“‘Twas the day before Halloween and along with their dad, the kids just kept arguing if Halloween was bad.” My six-year old son had come home from school in quite a huff announcing that we should never “precipitate” in Halloween. After asking a few more questions about what he meant, I found out the word he was looking for was “participate.” Apparently, he felt very strongly that not only should he not get dressed up or trick-or-treat on Halloween, but that we also needed to put up a sign on the door explaining why Halloween was “wrong” and not pass out any candy.
Long before our children were old enough to utter “Hershey Kiss,” my husband and I made the conscious decision that we would not endorse Halloween nor do the whole “trick-or-treating” thing because of what the holiday was essentially celebrating. Because our children are enrolled in a religious school, we found full endorsement from the kids. The older ones whole-heartedly expressed that they had no desire to get dressed up and go door to door asking for candy when they had plenty of the good stuff at their finger tips. It also helps that my kids are somewhat terrified of the spookier costumes and won’t even go near a party store with costumes hanging up front.
So, the debate raged on about whether or not passing out candy counted as celebrating Halloween. My nine year old daughter saw nothing wrong with passing out candy, but my son believed that would be “precipitating” which was just as bad as celebrating. In the past, if we happened to be home on Halloween, I’d usually pull out a bowl of candy and have the kids give some out to whoever came knocking because it seemed like the nice thing to do. Even if we weren’t celebrating, I wanted the kids to know that if a neighbor comes to your door asking for something, then you should help (this is why we are the go-to family whenever girl scouts cookies, little league chocolates, or useless candleholders are being sold for any possible fundraiser).
We still haven’t come to a clear resolution as to what will be done tomorrow. Since I will be out of the house speaking at an event for most of the day, I’m going to willingly let my husband field this one. After all, while a little “precipitation” may not be a bad thing, lots of it could lead to some pretty terrible flooding.
For those of you who are celebrating the holiday, “Happy Halloween” and for those of you who are not, have a wonderful weekend! J
-Suzy Ismail